Thinking, Making, Dining: Introduction to 3D design



5th & 6th floor studios Tower Block, Penrhyn Road, Kingston University KT1 2EE, Penrhyn Road

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Thinking, Making, Dining is a three-day making course that will explore a number of methods and processes, focusing on the importance of thinking through making, material experimentation, and introducing the fundamentals of 3D design. We will engage in a series of process-based workshops, introducing new skills covering areas such as idea generation, model making, material craft and structural exercises. The results of each workshop will come together to form a larger scale, collective body of work that explores the theme of dining.

Each workshop will celebrate and respond to your own thoughts and ideas, and we will both individually and collectively make a lot of stuff! Throughout the course we will engage in group discussion, and explore opportunities to work collaboratively, as well as individually. This short course will act as an introduction to the experimental approach to making and broad range of practical skills that you can expect from a 3D practice at Foundation level.