Dance Your Christmas Socks off for the January Challenge.



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The 'Sport and Active Lifestyles' team encourage you to dig out your most colourful socks and dance your way through January. 

Whatever you can move or shake about, do it like nobody’s watching, get your socks on each morning and dance your way through one whole track of music that makes you feel good. 

The idea is that you do this at the start of your day, before doing anything else. Yes, even before the first coffee of the day!   

We challenge you to do this each day during January. 

We guarantee that if you stick with this challenge, you will kick start those happy hormones and start your day with a more positive mindset.  


Prepare to take on the challenge…. 

Get a playlist ready of all your favourite tracks. The more uplifting the better.  

Get your brightest socks lined up by the side of your bed.  

‘Pair up’ with a ‘sock buddy’ and get somebody else on board to complete the challenge with you. This could be a friend, family member, work colleague or maybe somebody that just needs to connect in January and do something a bit silly to lift their mood.

Let the Sport and Active Lifestyle team know that you are taking up the challenge and register with Jo Heath ( so that we can keeeeeep you dancing and stay motivated. 


his image was originally posted to Flickr by S Baker at