Kingston University Student Poetry Showcase



Kingston Waterstones, Unit S9, Wood St, Kingston upon Thames KT1 1TR, External

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This evening presents current Kingston students and recent alumni, together, each offering short readings and performances of poetry, exploring the range and possibility of contemporary literature.

Poets participating to be announced.

Writers’ Kingston is dedicated to creative writing in all its forms, with an annual programme of events, workshops, festivals, publications and commissions. It celebrates the work of students and staff at Kingston University, as well as local and visiting writers, advocating for a dynamic and innovative understanding of what creative writing is, and can be.

The skills you develop by taking part in this activity can be used to build your Kingston Award reflections on Career Zone.  Find out more by watching  our Kingston Award video, visiting our Kingston Award webpages or getting in touch with us.

*This is an externally hosted event and inclusion on KUextra does not constitute an endorsement oe approval by Kingston University.